Bereavement and Grief Counselling

Over our lifetime we may come to experience grief and bereavement in a variety of ways. Whether we experience the death and loss of a loved one or the inevitable loss that accompanies certain life events such as moving house and losing a place we call home, friendship groups and possibly even our identity, the grieving process is incredibly individual and unique from one loss to the next.

If you feel like your world has fallen apart and you feel that pieces of you are scattered all over you may not want to hear that everything will be OK. You may not want to be cheered up or encouraged out of where you are. You may not want to hear that your loved one would want you to “cheer up”. What you do want may be validation. You may want someone to be able to sit with you and your grief. You may want a supporting environment in which you are able to process what is going on for you. Your grieving process won’t ever go away, but with the right therapeutic support you will be able to carry on. You will have a place in which you can gain further understanding and compassion for your grief. My goal is to help you feel heard.

Grief and bereavement can affect each of us in very different ways. There may be a huge mix of emotions that comes with any loss and it can feel like a very lonely time as we try to make sense of what is an intense and emotional response to the pain of our loss. Grief is our response to a relationship that has been broken.

There is no ‘right’ way to grieve and it’s OK to not be OK.

Get in touch

To find out more or arrange a completely confidential initial assessment, feel free to fill in the form below, email me onĀ  or leave me a message on 07842 338 135