
therapy for stress

We can all experience stress from a diverse range of sources on a regular basis but not suffer any adverse effects. Being under pressure with stress hormones flowing through our bodies can also bring positive results too. If we have a difficult meeting scheduled or an imminent exam we may find the flow of stress hormones spurs us into action. It may help us spring into motivation mode and prepare us for the challenges ahead of us.

When we experience prolonged levels of stress hormones there may be a negative impact on our mental and physical health. At this point stress is no longer healthy and could be a chronic issue in need of resolution or improvement. We may also seek therapy for stress levels.

Causes of Stress

There is no end to the range of possible causes of stress we may experience. They may also differ considerably from person to person.  If we are going through a particularly tough time, potential stressors may increase and be magnified. Anything that creates pressure for us, could be a cause of stress.

The possible causes could include, but are not limited to; bereavement, work issues (promotion, redundancy, deadlines, managerial responsibilities), relationship difficulties (family, friends, partners), health problems or concerns, financial worries, or generally any significant life event such as having a baby or moving house.

What one person feels stressed about may not be the same as what the next person stresses about. The ability to cope with certain situations changes from person to person. Factors that affect this may include our general disposition, previous experiences and our current support network. There is no stock list of causes of stress.

Symptoms of Stress

In a similar way to causes of stress, how stress manifests for each person may also vary considerably. Broadly speaking symptoms can loosely be grouped as follows;

Physical Symptoms: disturbed sleep or insomnia, headaches, general body aches, fluctuating weight, upset stomach or diarrhoea/constipation, racing heartbeat, loss of libido.

Psychological Symptoms: feeling on edge, feeling unable to cope, being startled easy, low attention span and poor concentration, feeling tense/anxious, depression, feeling disengaged.

Get in touch

To find out more or arrange a completely confidential initial assessment, feel free to fill in the form below, email me on  or leave me a message on 07842 338 135